Want to have your Journey immediately and automatically appear when you send traffic to a page? Here are instructions on how to set this up!

Use Case: Paid traffic, sending traffic to a page on your site with only 1 journey implemented on the page.

Step 0:

First, ensure your page is ready and has Journeys implemented on it!

Set up your page with a button to launch Journeys as you typically would.

Now that your page is set up and ready for traffic, you will want to add to the URL you send traffic to.

Step 1:

Take the URL of the page you are going to send traffic to ex:https://journeys-demos.webflow.io

Step 2:

Add ?diqOpen=true to the URL

this will launch the journey when you go to the address https://journeys-demos.webflow.io/?diqOpen=true

(Use case: This would be great to use for Ad traffic, driving your ad traffic to the landing page and having the Journey pop up.)